On-Line Demos



 Pages in Text
 Signals and Sounds  Sinusoids and how they look and sound  5
 Periodicity of Sums of Sinusoids  Examine the sum of two sinusoids and determine when their sum is periodic  6
  Convolution of Discrete-Time Signals  Compute the convolution of pairs of discrete-time signals  52
 Convolution of Continuous-Time Signals  Compute the convolution of pairs of continuous-time signals  79-84
 Sums of Sinusoids  Examine the sum of sinusoids in the time domain and in the frequency domain  97-100
Convergence of Fourier Series  Examine the convergence of Fourier series (square wave and triangular wave)  105-110
 Fourier Transform of Exponential Signal  Displays Fourier Transform of exponential as the bandwidth varies  115-116
Response to Sinusoidal Inputss  Examine the effect of a lowpass filter on sinusoids  224-227
 Response to Periodic Inputs  Response of a lowpass filter to a pulse train as the bandwidth is varied  224-228, 229-234
 Sampling and Aliasing  Illustrates sampling in the time domain and frequency domain for bandlimited and nonbandlimited signals  247
  DTFT and DFT of Pulse  Examine the approximation of a DTFT by a DFT  186-187
 Pole Position and Step Response  Relationship between pole positions and step response 421-429, 480
 Interactive Root Locus  Root locus with the ability to move poles and zeros 510-516, 530-534
 Pole Positions and Impulse Response  Relationship between z-domain pole positions and impulse response  378-380
 Digital Filtering of Continuous-Time Signals  Examples of digital filtering of continuous-time signals  552-555
 Mass Spring Damper System Mass Spring Damper example to show time response, frequency response, and resulting motion of system (displayed through animation)  92,228, 325,  433, 442, 453,  482

The applets were written with the help of Georgia Tech students Raymond Garcia, Darren Garner, James Ho, Jason Meeks, Johnny Wang and Brian Wilson. Their help is greatly appreciated.