Pole Positions and Step
This applet shows the relationship between pole positions of
the transfer function H(s) and the step response y(t).
First Order Systems:

Second Order Systems:

Click on the pole positions to see the corresponding step response.
Click on the poles and drag to another position to see how the
step response changes.
Compatibility Notes:
- Netscape 4.04 - requires JDK 1.1 patch.
- All updates and fixes for Netscape browsers under all
platforms can be found here at http://developer.netscape.com/software/jdk/download.html
- MRJ for Mac running IE3.01, Windows 95 IE4.0, and Sun's
Appletviewer are fully compatible. Sun's appletviewer can be
downloaded from http://www.javasoft.com
- Netscape 4.05 DOES NOT work with the latest Java libraries
(JDK1.1) for unknown reasons