This book contains an introductory, yet comprehensive, treatment of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems with MATLAB examples integrated throughout. The accompanying Web site contains a MATLAB tutorial tailered for the material in the text, sample worked problems, and online demos (several having automatically graded quizzes). A new feature of this edition is a chapter on communications including a section on digital communications. The first edition of this book is a major revision of Introduction to Signals and Systems, Second Edition (1990), by the first-named author. The background required for reading the book consists of the usual freshman/sophomore courses in calculus and elementary differential equations. It is also helpful, but not necessary, to have had some exposure to physics. The book is also intended to be used for self-study. Both authors have been teaching the material in the book to electrical engineering juniors for many years.
A key feature of the book is use of the Student Version of MATLAB, Version 5.0, to generate computer implementations of the techniques for signal and system analysis and design presented in the work. This provides the reader with the opportunity to verify that the theory does work, and allows the reader to experiment with application of the techniques studied. For example, in Chapter 4, a MATLAB experiment is presented to give some concreteness to the basic notion of the frequency content of a signal, and in Chapter 5, MATLAB-based examples are given that demonstrate the frequency-selective capability of systems. Use of the various MATLAB commands is illustrated in numerous examples throughout. A large number of the homework problems also involve MATLAB. All of the MATLAB programs and M-files that appear in the examples are available from this Web site.
Another feature of the book is the inclusion of a wide range of examples and problems on different areas in engineering, including electrical circuits, mechanical systems, biological systems, and manufacturing systems. Other features of the book are a parallel treatment of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems, two chapters on digital filtering and feedback control that prepare students for senior electives in these topics, and a chapter on the state-space formulation of systems.
The book can be used in a two-quarter or
two-semester course sequence with Chapters 1 to 6 (or parts of
these chapters) covered in one course and Chapters 7 to 12 (or
parts thereof) covered in the other. By selecting appropriate
sections and chapters from the book, an instructor can cover the
continuous-time case in the first course and the discrete-time
case in the second course. It is possible to cover the main portion
of the material in this book in a one-semester course. A schedule
for a one-semester course consisting of forty-one 50-minute lectures
is given in the following table.